The core objective of this research was to examine the influence of Social Media as an effective communication and feedback platform on the Practice of Public Relations using Global Communication Nigeria Limited as a case study. Basically, the use of social media has increased among consumers around the world, causing an increase in the adoption of social media as tactics and means of sharing information and interactions among many public relations professionals and its publics. This study employed descriptive survey to assess use and emerging trends of social media in public relations practice in Global Communication Nigeria Limited. This exposed state of things in this era of digitalization. The target populations were public relations officers and staff in the Global Communication Nigeria Limited in Nigeria, individuals deemed to have knowledge or experience on social media use. The sampling procedures were simple random sampling and purposive. There was a definite focus to choose the 10 public relations officers in Global Communication Nigeria Limited. Simple random sampling of the Global Communication Nigeria Limited staff was used to select 180 officers as the subjects of the study from a total population of 1800 Global Communication Nigeria Limited staff in Nigeria. The data collected were analysed and interpreted using simple statistics frequency and percentage table method. Findings of the research revealed that Social media are an effective tool for communicating and redistributing news from traditional media sources. Finally, it was recommended that digital media or new media should form part of the curriculum for undergraduates in mass communication and public relations, in particular, this will equip them for digital practice.